Sex Trafficking 101 Training Topics
Sex Trafficking Unveiled: Recognize the Signs and Save Lives
Inside the Minds: Understanding the Demand and Behavior of Buyers
Narcissistic Control: Decoding the Trafficker's Tactics
Guarding the Innocent: Online Safety for Children
The Trauma Lens: Neurobiology and Healing for Survivors
Compassionate Care: Principles of Trauma-Informed Support
Survivor Insights: Building Survivor-Informed Organizations
Effective Interventions: Best Practices in Engaging Victims and Survivors
Empowering Youth: Anti-Grooming Strategies and Awareness
Tailored Training: Specialized Programs for Law Enforcement, Medical Professionals, and Counselors
Faith-Based Foundations: Understanding Jesus' Heart for Trafficking Survivors
Advanced Training Topics
Faith in Action: Ministering to Sex Trafficking Survivors
Exploring the Dark: Introduction to Satanic Ritual Abuse Trafficking
In-Depth Analysis: Advanced Satanic Ritual Abuse Trafficking
Healing Fragmented Souls: Navigating Care for Dissociated Survivors
Spiritual Restoration: Deprogramming and Deliverance for the Fractured Soul
Additional Faith-Based Training Topics
Dominion Training: The Kingdom of God & Wisdom on Governments
Operating in Power: The Authority of Jesus in Ministry
Prayer and Justice: Achieving Radical Results through Obedience
Spiritual Warfare Love Strategy: Waring from the Place of Intimacy with Jesus
Complete Freedom: Deliverance and Healing for Survivors

“We run a safe house for sex trafficking victims, however we felt so ill equipped to serve victims as SRA. We wanted to be able to say yes, but didn't know how. We got connected with Sula and she came and trained our team in person. She did so amazing! From our prayer team, to our advocates, and even our male security team, were all so moved by the strategy that God has given Sula. She is an amazing trainer and she did such an amazing job engaging with our teams and even the questions they had. She brought the Holy Spirit into that training room and brought so much authority and peace into a space that can seem scary. We have now been able to serve SRA victims and have been able to do that successfully due to Sula's training and support. I recommend her to any and all non-profits that want to start serving these vulnerable populations but where in the same spot we were and not knowing how to start.”
-Kayla Faith, Program Director of Freedom Shield Foundation
“You are a gem and I am so grateful for you. I’ve prayed for a year for strategy from heaven to help set His daughters free and I believe that’s what He is giving me through you! Excited for all these tools.”
-Anja Khoma, Chief Program Officer of Helping Captives www.helpingcaptives.org
"I have applied almost every aspect of what Sula taught and I've seen God work in miraculous ways from integrating parts to removing scars and brandings! It has been amazing to see God move in work through the skills and information she has shared." -Online Training Participant
"The course materials were great and really eye-opening. It's scary stuff but I was grateful it didn't go into extreme detail but just gave an overview so that we aren't blindsided by what SRA survivors tell us and so that we can relate and understand where they are coming from. I was also grateful for Sula's positive, "overcomer" stance on our position over the enemy!! This is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE when teaching this material. Otherwise, it feels very hopeless." -Online Training Participant
"I don't think there is enough room to share my overall experience with this course. It has challenged and changed my walk with the Lord personally as well as my work professionally. It has given me access to tools that have radically changed how I do ministry." -Online Training Participant