Limits to Confidentiality Agreement
At Take Flight Survivors, we are deeply committed to maintaining confidentiality to honor and protect the survivors we serve. However, to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants, there are specific limits to confidentiality that must be acknowledged.
1. Endangerment of a Child
If Take Flight Survivors becomes aware of any situation involving the endangerment, neglect, or abuse of a child, this information will be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities, as required by mandatory reporting laws.
2. Suicidal Ideation
If I express suicidal thoughts with a clear intent to harm myself, I understand that this information will be reported. This ensures proper intervention, navigation, and reporting to prioritize my safety and well-being.
3. Homicidal Ideation
If I express homicidal thoughts with a clear intent to harm another person, I understand that this information will be reported. This is to ensure appropriate intervention and reporting to authorities to protect the safety of others.
I understand that these measures are in place to comply with legal and ethical obligations and to ensure the safety of myself, others, and the community.